Vitality Oils!

Essential oils have been a part of my life for fifteen years. However, before I began using Young Living Essential Oils a year ago I only ever diffused, inhaled, or applied the oils topically. Therefore, when I began my YL oil journey I can admit to being skeptical about their recommendation that some oils are appropriate for ingesting. Well, that is until I tried Peppermint and Digize oils in my tea. I've been sold on the method ever since. And now, Young Living has made it super easy to know which oils can be used food, drink, as dietary supplements, etc., through a new line of oils called VITALITY. Created in accordance with FDA regulation, this line takes the guess work out of safely ingesting essential oils. Take a peek at Vitality Dietary Essential Oils and then let me know how I can help you incorporate these fabulous oils into your life. Contact me for more information about Young Living Essential Oils.