
Showing posts from 2016

Natural Deodorant and Essential Oils


Young Living Grapefruit Vitality to Support Weight Loss

In July, my sister and I took a trip to visit our father who is recovering from cancer. As we traveled and were waiting around the airport, we discussed our individual journey's with weight gain/loss. My sister is a life-time member of Weight Watchers. This means she lost the weight she desired (and it can be any amount) and maintains that loss through healthy eating and exercise as well as going to the meetings at least once a month. I have been on the program off and on since the 1980's (when they still required you to eat liver every week--blech!) A few years ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes and have struggled with losing weight which could help my glucose numbers and overall health. My sister invited me to go to the weekly meeting she now attends. I've been attending the meetings and living the (new) program for a month. I've got to say this is probably the easiest WW program they have created, very user friendly and all about healthy choices. I've also ...

DIY Lavender/Frankincense Makeup Remover Pads

I've heard a lot of good things about DIY makeup remover but wanted to check this out for myself. The results are AMAZING! I will never return to using conventional products to remove makeup. Check this out.

Allergy Relief: Lesson Two - Diffusing Your Oils


Allergy Relief: Lesson One, Creating Your Three Oil Blend


Vitality Oils!

Essential oils have been a part of my life for fifteen years. However, before I began using Young Living Essential Oils a year ago I only ever diffused, inhaled, or applied the oils topically. Therefore, when I began my YL oil journey I can admit to being skeptical about their recommendation that some oils are appropriate for ingesting. Well, that is until I tried Peppermint and Digize oils in my tea.  I've been sold on the method ever since. And now, Young Living has made it super easy to know which oils can be used food, drink, as dietary supplements, etc., through a new line of oils called VITALITY. Created in accordance with FDA regulation, this line takes the guess work out of safely ingesting essential oils. Take a peek at Vitality Dietary Essential Oils and then let me know how I can help you incorporate these fabulous oils into your life.   Contact me for more information about Young Living Essential Oils.