Young Living Grapefruit Vitality to Support Weight Loss

In July, my sister and I took a trip to visit our father who is recovering from cancer. As we traveled and were waiting around the airport, we discussed our individual journey's with weight gain/loss.

My sister is a life-time member of Weight Watchers. This means she lost the weight she desired (and it can be any amount) and maintains that loss through healthy eating and exercise as well as going to the meetings at least once a month.

I have been on the program off and on since the 1980's (when they still required you to eat liver every week--blech!) A few years ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes and have struggled with losing weight which could help my glucose numbers and overall health. My sister invited me to go to the weekly meeting she now attends.

I've been attending the meetings and living the (new) program for a month. I've got to say this is probably the easiest WW program they have created, very user friendly and all about healthy choices. I've also decided to incorporate grapefruit essential oil into my weight loss journey.

Here is what Young Living says about Grapefruit Vitality Essntial Oil:

Grapefruit Vitality Essential Oil Uses:

  • Support your weight-management program by taking Grapefruit Vitality as a dietary supplement. Just add 1–2 drops to a vegetarian gel capsule and take it daily or as often as needed.
  • Find it difficult to take capsules? Blend Grapefruit Vitality NingXia Red for an added boost of wolfberry goodness.
  • If you love infused water but are too busy to make it the night before, simply add 2–3 drops of Grapefruit Vitality and other citrus Vitality oils to cold water to make a refreshing drink and stay hydrated.
  • Add it to culinary recipes to add a distinct, citrus flavor. Grapefruit Vitality tastes great in desserts, marinades, and salad dressings.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

I am choosing to drink one full glass of water in the morning with one-two drops of Grapefruit Vitality (by the way I only recommend ingesting Young Living essential oils). The taste is refreshing and helps me get that water into my day.

This is what I love about Young Living EO's. There are so many ways to incorporate them into a healthy lifestyle. If you'd like any information on Young Living or if I can help you in any way (answer questions) please feel free to leave a comment below.


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